7 Surprising Health Benefits of Beetroots

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Beetroots

This superfood is often left out of people's diets, but Beetroots actually have a lot to offer. They are low in calories and an excellent source of folate, fiber, vitamins C and K, potassium, and manganese. Beetroots can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced, but they should not be boiled as this will reduce the nutritional content significantly. Here are seven health benefits of beetroot! 

1. Beetroot Boosts Exercise Performance

Beetroot can increase physical endurance and boost exercise performance. This is due to the nitrates found in beetroots that cause vasodilation, or widening of blood vessels. The improved flow allows for better oxygenation of muscles during intense workouts!

2. Beetroot Juice has Been Shown to Improve Liver Function and Fight Disease

Beetroots contain powerful antioxidants, including betalains and polyphenols. These compounds help to reduce inflammation in the liver and protect it from oxidative stress. They're also believed to reduce the risk of various types of cancer and heart disease.

3. Beetroot Can Help with Diabetes

Beetroots are often overlooked as a healthy food option for people with diabetes, but this vegetable is actually beneficial for those battling this condition.

Beetroots not only help lower blood glucose levels but may also reduce insulin resistance which is the body's inability to produce enough insulin. This can help protect against type 2 diabetes and lower rates of chronic complications that come with this disease.

4. Beetroot Juice is Great for the Heart

This juice has been shown to lower triglyceride levels and improve cholesterol while also reducing inflammation in the cardiovascular system. All of these effects work together to provide protection from coronary heart disease and strokes!

5. Beetroots Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Beetroot juice has been shown to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. The nitrates found in beetroots act as vasodilators, which can help decrease high blood pressure. Eating them raw is an easy way for hypertensive individuals to experience the benefits of beetroot!

6. May slow the Progression of Dementia

Beetroots may help slow the progression of dementia. The antioxidants in beetroot have been shown to help protect brain cells from damage and improve memory. Beetroots may also help lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness.

7. Good Source of Potassium

Beetroots are a good source of potassium, which is essential for proper cellular function. One cup of beetroot slices contains nearly 600 milligrams (mg) or 11% of the recommended daily value. 

Potassium is an important electrolyte, with many roles in the body including regulating heart rate and blood pressure.


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