Berry Immune Boost Smoothie Recipe With SuperGreens

Berry Immune Boost Smoothie Recipe With SuperGreens

If you're searching for ways to support your immune health, then this smoothie recipe is for you. Without compromising taste, we've curated a delicious recipe to help boost your immune system this winter. This smoothie recipe includes both our berry smoothie mix and our supergreens powder so you can keep your immune system supported.

What are SuperGreens?

SuperGreens are a nutrient-rich superfood that is made up of leafy vegetables in powder form. They are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and have a large variety of health benefits. Just add one scoop to your smoothie or protein shake and SuperGreens will provide you with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, and more!

Our SuperGreens consist of a mixture of superfoods and vital nutrients to give you the energy that you need throughout your day. We also blend spirulina, chlorella, and wheatgrass into our SuperGreens because they're packed with nutrients such as iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. Add a scoop to your next smoothie for extra boost of energy!

Berry Immune Boost Smoothie Recipe



  • Add 1 cup almond milk to blender, along with Berry Smoothie pouch, SuperGreens, frozen raspberries, chia seeds, and peeled orange. 
  • Blend, pour and enjoy! 
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